Title: | Tools for the 'Parallel' Package |
Description: | Miscellaneous utilities for parallelizing large computations. Alternative to MapReduce. File splitting and distributed operations such as sort and aggregate. "Software Alchemy" method for parallelizing most statistical methods, presented in N. Matloff, Parallel Computation for Data Science, Chapman and Hall, 2015. Includes a debugging aid. |
Authors: | Norm Matloff <[email protected]> [cre,aut], Clark Fitzgerald <[email protected]> [aut], Reed Davis <[email protected]> [aut], Robin Yancey <[email protected]> [aut], Shunxu Huang <[email protected]> [aut], Alex Rumbaugh <[email protected]> [ctb], Hadley Wickham <[email protected]> [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Norm Matloff <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.1.6 |
Built: | 2025-03-04 04:48:47 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/matloff/partools |
This package provides a broad collection of functions for parallel data manipulation and numerical computation in R, either on multicore machines or clusters. It includes both high-level functions such as distributed aggregate, as well as low-level building blocks.
This man page here is intended as a quick overview for newcomers, and as a list that experienced partools users can use for quick reference.
The user has an instance of R, the manager node, running as the "main" function. One first sets up a (virtual) cluster there, using R's built-in parallel package. The elements of the cluster will be referred to as worker nodes.
A distributed object, typically a data frame, is held in parts, one part per worker node. An ordinary object, held at the manager node, is termed monolithic.
A distributed file will consist of parts, each of which is in a separate
physical file. For example, a distributed file x
might consist
of physical files x.01
, x.02
and so on, but viewed
programmaticly at a single file. The file contents are assumed to be in
the standard format of a constant number of fields per record.
The "Leave It There" Principle
Making the best use of this package centers around our Leave It There principle, which simply says that one keeps objects distributed as long as possible. An object, say a data frame, may originally be created on the manager node but then be split into a distributed version at the worker nodes. As much as possible, the work in the user's R session will involve that distributed data frame, with the outputs of the user's various operations NOT being collected back at the manager. This is a crucial point, as it saves communication overhead, thus speeding up one's application code.
Software Alchemy
This is our term for a statistical method, studied by a number of authors, for parallelizing computaton. Say for instance we are performing logistic regression. Our data is converted to distributed form (if not already in that form); we run the logit model at each worker node, yielding a vector of estimated regression. coefficients, then average those vectors to obtain our final set of estimated coefficients.
This will often result in linear, or even superlinear, speedup.
Also referred to as chunk averaging, 'ca'.
Startup and Global Information
The user forms a parallel
cluster cls
, then calls
to initialize it. This creates an R environment
at each worker node, with components myid
, the
node's ID, and ncls
, the number of workers in the cluster.
Function List
Functions for Forming Distributed Files and Data Frames, Manipulating Them, and Amalgamating Them
Create a distributed file from a monolithic one.
Create a distributed file from
monotlithic one, but randomize the record order.
Create a monotlithic file from distributed
Read a distributed file into distributed
data frame.
Read a distributed file into
distributed data frame, but randomize the record order.
Write a distributed data frame to a
distributed file.
Returns the full name of the file chunk,
associated with the calling cluster node, including suffix, e.g.
'01', '02' etc.
Disk-based sort.
Create a distributed data frame/matrix
from monotlithic one.
Create a monotlithic data frame/matrix from
distributed one.
Distributed analog of R's
, returning result to manager. Has
special-case functions distribcounts
. The function fileagg()
a file-based analog of distribagg()
, while dfileagg()
returns results as a distributed data frame.
Distributed analog of R's
Distributed analog of R's
dwhich.min(), dwhich.max():
Distributed analog of R's
and which.max()
Distributed analog of R's
, inputing a distributed data frame and
returning the result to the manager. The function
does the same on a distributed file, and
does this too except that the result is a
distributed data frame.
Finds the k largest/smallest values in a
distributed vector.
Parallel computation of the distances matrix from
one matrix to another.
Software Alchemy Functions
General chunk averaging. Core is cabase()
calm(), caglm(), caprcomp(), cakm(), caknn(), carq():
Chunk averaging versions of linear and generalized linear models,
k-Nearest Neighbors and quantile regression.
cameans(), caquantile():
Chunk averaging methods for
finding means and quantiles.
Sorting Functions
The main one is hqs()
, which performs a hyperquicksort among the
worker nodes without manager node intervention. Note that this function
operates in keeping with the Leave It There principle; both inputs and
outputs are distributed vectors. Timing comparisons to R's built-in
sequential sort should then collect a distributed vector to the manager
node, sort there, then distribute back to the workers.
Two versions of disk-based sorting are available, filesort()
. These should be considered experimental.
Message Passing Functions
These provide direct communication between worker nodes, useful for
instance in hqs()
. Only simple send and receive are available at
Initialize. Calls ptMEinitSrvrs()
and ptMEinitCons()
, which set up the servers and the
client-server connections.
ptMEsend(), ptMErecv():
Send and receive functions.
Helper Functions
Does just that, forms chunks of rows
of a data frame or matrix.
Helper function. Adds two lists having the
same keys.
Extracts from a list of R vectors element
from each.
Determines the number of digits in a
positive integer, e.g. 1 for 8, 2 for 12, 3 for 550 and so on.
Enables a distributed data frame to be
viewed virtually as a monolithic one, using global row numbers.
The function findrow
goes in the opposite direction. For a
given row number in the virtual data frame, this function will
return the row number within node, and the node number.
Easy parallelization of most statistical computations.
ca(cls,z,ovf,estf,estcovf=NULL,findmean=TRUE,scramble=FALSE) cabase(cls,ovf,estf,estcovf=NULL,findmean=TRUE,cacall=FALSE,z=NULL,scramble=FALSE) calm(cls,lmargs) caglm(cls,glmargs) caprcomp(cls,prcompargs, p) cakm(cls,mtdf,ncenters,p) cameans(cls,cols,na.rm=FALSE) caquantile(cls,vec, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),na.rm=FALSE) caagg(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,FUN) caknn(cls, yname, k, xname='') carq(cls,rqargs)
ca(cls,z,ovf,estf,estcovf=NULL,findmean=TRUE,scramble=FALSE) cabase(cls,ovf,estf,estcovf=NULL,findmean=TRUE,cacall=FALSE,z=NULL,scramble=FALSE) calm(cls,lmargs) caglm(cls,glmargs) caprcomp(cls,prcompargs, p) cakm(cls,mtdf,ncenters,p) cameans(cls,cols,na.rm=FALSE) caquantile(cls,vec, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),na.rm=FALSE) caagg(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,FUN) caknn(cls, yname, k, xname='') carq(cls,rqargs)
cls |
A cluster run under the parallel package. |
z |
A data frame, matrix or vector, one observation per row/element. |
ovf |
Overall statistical function, say |
estf |
Function to extract the point estimate (typically
vector-valued) from the output of |
estcovf |
If provided, function to extract the estimated
covariance matrix of the output of |
findmean |
If TRUE, output the average of the estimates from the chunks; otherwise, output only the estimates themselves. |
lmargs |
Quoted string representing arguments to |
glmargs |
Quoted string representing arguments to |
rqargs |
Quoted string representing arguments to |
prcompargs |
Quoted string representing arguments to
p |
Number of columns in data |
na.rm |
If TRUE, remove NA values from the analysis. |
mtdf |
Quoted name of a distributed matrix or data frame. |
ncenters |
Number of clusters to find. |
cacall |
If TRUE, indicates that |
scramble |
If this and |
cols |
A quoted string that evaluates to a data frame or matrix. |
vec |
A quoted string that evaluates to a vector. |
yname |
A quoted variable name, for the Y vector. |
k |
Number of nearest neighbors. |
xname |
A quoted variable name, for the X matrix/data frame. If
empty, it is assumed that |
ynames |
A vector of quoted variable names. |
xnames |
A vector of quoted variable names. |
dataname |
Quoted name of a data frame or matrix. |
probs |
As in the argument with the same name in
Quoted name of a function. |
Implements the “Software Alchemy” (SA) method for parallelizing statistical computations (N. Matloff, Parallel Computation for Data Science, Chapman and Hall, 2015, with further details in N. Matloff, Software Alchemy: Turning Complex Statistical Computations into Embarrassingly-Parallel Ones, Journal of Statistical Software, 2016.) This can result in substantial speedups in computation, as well as address limits on physical memory.
The method involves breaking the data into chunks, and then applying the given estimator to each one. The results are averaged, and an estimated covariance matrix computed (optional).
Except for ca
, it is assumed that the chunking has already been
done, say via distribsplit
or readnscramble
Note that in cabase
, the data object is not specified explicitly
in the argument list. This is done through the function ovf
Key point: The SA estimator is statistically equivalent to the original, nonparallel one, in the sense that they have the SAME asymptotic statistical accuracy. Neither the non-SA nor the SA estimator is "better" than the other, and usually they will be quite close to each other anyway. Since we would use SA only with large data sets anyway (otherwise, parallel computation would not be needed for speed), the asymptotic aspect should not be an issue. In other words, with SA we achieve the same statistical accuracy while possibly attaining much faster computation.
It is vital to keep in mind that The memory space issue can be just as important as run time. Even if the problem is run on many cores, if the total memory space needed exceeds that of the machine, the run may fail.
Wrapper functions, applying SA to the corresponding R function (or function elsewere in this package):
: Wrapper for lm
: Wrapper for glm
: Wrapper for prcomp
: Wrapper for kmeans
: Wrapper for colMeans
: Wrapper for quantile
: Like distribagg
, but finds the
average value of FUN
across the cluster nodes.
A note on NA values: Some R functions such as lm
, glm
have an na.action
argument. The default is
, which means that cases with at least one NA value will
be discarded. (This is also settable via options()
.) However,
seems to have no effect in prcomp
unless that
function's formula
option is used. When in doubt, apply the
function na.omit
directly; e.g. na.omit(d)
for a data
frame d
returns a data frame consisting of only the intact rows of
The method assumes that the base estimator is asymptotically normal, and
assumes i.i.d. data. If your data set had been stored in some sorted
order, it must be randomized first, say using the scramble
in distribsplit
or by calling readnscramble
, depending on
whether your data is already in memory or still in a file.
R list with these components:
, the results of applying the requested estimator to
the chunks; the estimator from chunk i is in row i
, the chunk-averaged overall estimator, if requested
, the estimated covariance matrix of tht
if available
The wrapper functions return the following list elements:
, caglm
: estimated regression coefficients
and their estimated covariance matrix
: sdev
(square roots of the
eigenvalues) and rotation
, as with prcomp
is returned as well.
: centers
and size
, as with
; thts
is returned as well.
The wrappers that return thts
are useful for algorithms that may
expose some instability in the original (i.e. non-SA) algorithm. With
, for instance, the eigenvectors corresponding to the
smaller eigenvalues may have high variances in the nonparallel version,
which will be reflected in large differences from chunk to chunk in SA,
visible in thts
. Note that this reflects a fundamental problem
with the algorithm on the given data set, not due to Software Alchemy;
on the contrary, an important advantage of the SA approach is to expose
such problems.
Norm Matloff
N. Matloff N (2016). "Software Alchemy: Turning Complex Statistical Computations into Embarrassingly-Parallel Ones." Journal of Statistical Software, 71(4), 1-15.
# set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # generate simulated test data, as distributed data frame n <- 10000 p <- 2 tmp <- matrix(rnorm((p+1)*n),nrow=n) u <- tmp[,1:p] # "X" values # add a "Y" col u <- cbind(u,u %*% rep(1,p) + tmp[,p+1]) # now in u, cols 1,2 are the "X" variables, and col 3 is "Y", # with regress coefs (0,1,1), with tmp[,p+1] being the error term distribsplit(cls,"u") # form distributed d.f. # apply the function #### calm(cls,"u[,3] ~ u[,1]+u[,2]")$tht calm(cls,"V3 ~ .,data=u")$tht # check; results should be approximately the same lm(u[,3] ~ u[,1]+u[,2]) # without the wrapper ovf <- function(dummy=NULL) lm(V3 ~ .,data=z168) ca(cls,u,ovf,estf=coef,estcovf=vcov)$tht ## Not run: # Census data on programmers and engineers; include a quadratic term for # age, due to nonmonotone relation to income data(prgeng) distribsplit(cls,"prgeng") caout <- calm(cls,"wageinc ~ age+I(age^2)+sex+wkswrkd,data=prgeng") caout$tht # compare to nonparallel lm(wageinc ~ age+I(age^2)+sex+wkswrkd,data=prgeng) # get standard errors of the beta-hats sqrt(diag(caout$thtcov)) # find mean age for all combinations of the cit and sex variables caagg(cls,"age",c("cit","sex"),"prgeng","mean") # compare to nonparallel aggregate(age ~ cit+sex,data=prgeng,mean) data(newadult) distribsplit(cls,"newadult") caglm(cls," gt50 ~ ., family = binomial,data=newadult")$tht caprcomp(cls,'newadult,scale=TRUE',5)$sdev prcomp(newadult,scale=TRUE)$sdev cameans(cls,"prgeng") cameans(cls,"prgeng[,c('age','wageinc')]") caquantile(cls,'prgeng$age') pe <- prgeng[,c(1,3,8)] distribsplit(cls,"pe") z1 <- cakm(cls,'pe',3,3); z1$size; z1$centers # check algorithm unstable z1$thts # looks unstable pe <- prgeng pe$ms <- as.integer(pe$educ == 14) pe$phd <- as.integer(pe$educ == 16) pe <- pe[,c(1,7,8,9,12,13)] distribsplit(cls,'pe',scramble=TRUE) kout <- caknn(cls,'pe[,3]',50,'pe[,-3]') ## End(Not run) stopCluster(cls)
# set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # generate simulated test data, as distributed data frame n <- 10000 p <- 2 tmp <- matrix(rnorm((p+1)*n),nrow=n) u <- tmp[,1:p] # "X" values # add a "Y" col u <- cbind(u,u %*% rep(1,p) + tmp[,p+1]) # now in u, cols 1,2 are the "X" variables, and col 3 is "Y", # with regress coefs (0,1,1), with tmp[,p+1] being the error term distribsplit(cls,"u") # form distributed d.f. # apply the function #### calm(cls,"u[,3] ~ u[,1]+u[,2]")$tht calm(cls,"V3 ~ .,data=u")$tht # check; results should be approximately the same lm(u[,3] ~ u[,1]+u[,2]) # without the wrapper ovf <- function(dummy=NULL) lm(V3 ~ .,data=z168) ca(cls,u,ovf,estf=coef,estcovf=vcov)$tht ## Not run: # Census data on programmers and engineers; include a quadratic term for # age, due to nonmonotone relation to income data(prgeng) distribsplit(cls,"prgeng") caout <- calm(cls,"wageinc ~ age+I(age^2)+sex+wkswrkd,data=prgeng") caout$tht # compare to nonparallel lm(wageinc ~ age+I(age^2)+sex+wkswrkd,data=prgeng) # get standard errors of the beta-hats sqrt(diag(caout$thtcov)) # find mean age for all combinations of the cit and sex variables caagg(cls,"age",c("cit","sex"),"prgeng","mean") # compare to nonparallel aggregate(age ~ cit+sex,data=prgeng,mean) data(newadult) distribsplit(cls,"newadult") caglm(cls," gt50 ~ ., family = binomial,data=newadult")$tht caprcomp(cls,'newadult,scale=TRUE',5)$sdev prcomp(newadult,scale=TRUE)$sdev cameans(cls,"prgeng") cameans(cls,"prgeng[,c('age','wageinc')]") caquantile(cls,'prgeng$age') pe <- prgeng[,c(1,3,8)] distribsplit(cls,"pe") z1 <- cakm(cls,'pe',3,3); z1$size; z1$centers # check algorithm unstable z1$thts # looks unstable pe <- prgeng pe$ms <- as.integer(pe$educ == 14) pe$phd <- as.integer(pe$educ == 16) pe <- pe[,c(1,7,8,9,12,13)] distribsplit(cls,'pe',scramble=TRUE) kout <- caknn(cls,'pe[,3]',50,'pe[,-3]') ## End(Not run) stopCluster(cls)
Parallelization of machine learning algorithms.
caclassfit(cls,fitcmd) caclasspred(fitobjs,newdata,yidx=NULL,...) vote(preds) re_code(x)
caclassfit(cls,fitcmd) caclasspred(fitobjs,newdata,yidx=NULL,...) vote(preds) re_code(x)
cls |
A cluster run under the parallel package. |
fitcmd |
A string containing a model-fitting command to be run on each cluster node. This will typically include specification of the distributed data set. |
fitobjs |
An R list of objects returned by the |
newdata |
Data to be predicted from the fit computed by
yidx |
If provided, index of the true class values in
... |
Arguments to be passed to the underlying prediction
function for the given method, e.g. |
preds |
A vector of predicted classes, from which the "winner" will be selected by voting. |
x |
A vector of integers, in this context class codes. |
This should work for almost any classification code that has a
“fit” function and a predict
The method assumes i.i.d. data. If your data set had been stored in
some sorted order, it must be randomized first, say using the
option in distribsplit
or by calling
, depending on whether your data is already in
memory or still in a file.
It is assumed that class labels are 1,2,... If not, use
The caclassfit
function returns an R list of objects as in
The caclasspred
function returns an R list with these components:
, a matrix of predicted classes for
, one row per cluster node
, the final predicted classes, after using
to resolve possible differences in predictions among
, the proportion of cases for which all
nodes gave the same predictions (higher values indicating more
, if yidx
is non-NULL, the proportion of
cases in which preds
is correct
, if yidx
is non-NULL, the confusion matrix
Norm Matloff
## Not run: # set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # data prep data(prgeng) prgeng$occ <- re_code(prgeng$occ) prgeng$bs <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 13) prgeng$ms <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 14) prgeng$phd <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 15) prgeng$sex <- prgeng$sex - 1 pe <- prgeng[,c(1,7,8,9,12,13,14,5)] pe$occ <- as.factor(pe$occ) # needed for rpart! # go distribsplit(cls,'pe') library(rpart) clusterEvalQ(cls,library(rpart)) fit <- caclassfit(cls,"rpart(occ ~ .,data=pe)") predout <- caclasspred(fit,pe,8,type='class') predout$acc # 0.36 stopCluster(cls) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # data prep data(prgeng) prgeng$occ <- re_code(prgeng$occ) prgeng$bs <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 13) prgeng$ms <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 14) prgeng$phd <- as.integer(prgeng$educ == 15) prgeng$sex <- prgeng$sex - 1 pe <- prgeng[,c(1,7,8,9,12,13,14,5)] pe$occ <- as.factor(pe$occ) # needed for rpart! # go distribsplit(cls,'pe') library(rpart) clusterEvalQ(cls,library(rpart)) fit <- caclassfit(cls,"rpart(occ ~ .,data=pe)") predout <- caclasspred(fit,pe,8,type='class') predout$acc # 0.36 stopCluster(cls) ## End(Not run)
No boundaries on the endpoints, and handles character x
A little different than normal cut
cutbin(x, breaks, bin_names)
cutbin(x, breaks, bin_names)
x |
column to be cut |
breaks |
define the bins |
bin_names |
names for the result |
bins factor
Aids in debugging of code written for the cluster operations in the parallel package.
dbs(nwrkrs,xterm=NULL,src=NULL,ftn=NULL) writemgrscreen(cmd) killdebug() dbqmsgstart(cls) dbqmsg(msg) dbqview(cls,wrkrNum) dbqsave(obj) dbqload(cls,wrkrNum) dbqdump() pEnv(cls)
dbs(nwrkrs,xterm=NULL,src=NULL,ftn=NULL) writemgrscreen(cmd) killdebug() dbqmsgstart(cls) dbqmsg(msg) dbqview(cls,wrkrNum) dbqsave(obj) dbqload(cls,wrkrNum) dbqdump() pEnv(cls)
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
nwrkrs |
Number of workers, i.e. size of the cluster. |
xterm |
The string "xterm" or name of compatible terminal. |
src |
Name of the source file to be debugged. |
ftn |
Name of the function to be debugged. |
cmd |
R command to be executed in manager screen. |
wrkrNum |
ID of a worker node. |
obj |
An R object. |
msg |
A message to write to the debugging record file. Can be
either a character string or any expression that is printable by
A major obstacle to debugging cluster-based parallel
applications is the lack of a terminal, thus precluding direct use of
and browser
. This set of functions consists of
two groups, one for “quick and dirty” debugging, that writes
debugging information to disk files, and the other for more
sophisticated work that deals with the terminal restriction. For both
methods, make sure setclsinfo
has been called.
For “quick and dirty” debugging, there is dbqmsg
, which prints
messages to files, invoked from within code running at the cluster
nodes. There is one file for each member of the cluster, e.g.
, dbq.002
and so on, and dbqmsg
writes to
the file associated with the worker invoking it. Initialize via
. The messages can be viewed via dbqview
Also, R objects can be saved and reloaded via dbqsave
, again with a different one for each worker.
Another quick approach is to call dbqdump
, which will call R's
, making a separate output file for each cluster node.
These can then be input to debugger
to examine stack frames.
Finally, the current partoolsenv
can be viewed using pEnv
The more elaborate debugging tool, dbs
, is the only one in this
partools package requiring a Unix-family system (Linux, Mac). To
discuss it, suppose you wish to debug the function f
in the file
. Run, say, dbs(2,xterm="xterm",src="x.R",ftn="f")
Then three new terminal windows will be created, one for the cluster
manager and two for the cluster workers. The cluster will be named
. Automatically, the file x.R
will be sourced by the
worker windows, and debug(f)
will be run in them.
Then you simply debug as usual. Go to the manager window, and run
your parallel application launch call in the usual way, say
. The function f
will run in each
worker window, with execution automatically entering browser mode. You
are now ready to single-step through them, or execute any other browser
If xterm
is NULL, you will be prompted to create the terminal
windows by hand (or use existing ones), and run screen
there as
instructed. Terminal
works on Macs; label the windows by hand,
by clicking "Shell" then "Edit".
When finished with the debugging session, run killdebug
from the
original window (the one from which you invoked dbs
) to quit the
various screen
Norm Matloff
## Not run: # quick-and-dirty method cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # define 'buggy' function g <- function(x,y) {u<-x+y; v<-x-y; dbqmsg(c(u,v)); u^2+v^2} clusterExport(cls,"g") # set x and y at cluster nodes clusterEvalQ(cls,{x <- runif(1); y <- runif(1)}) # start debugging session dbqmsgstart(cls) # run clusterEvalQ(cls,g(x,y)) # files dbs.1 and dbs.2 created, each reporting u,v values # dbs() method # make a test file cat(c("f <- function(x) {"," x <- x + 1"," x^2","}"),file="x.R",sep="\n") dbs(2,src="x.R",ftn="f") # now type in manager window: clusterEvalQ(cls,f(5)) # the 2 worker windows are now in the browser, ready for debugging stopCluster(cls) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # quick-and-dirty method cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # define 'buggy' function g <- function(x,y) {u<-x+y; v<-x-y; dbqmsg(c(u,v)); u^2+v^2} clusterExport(cls,"g") # set x and y at cluster nodes clusterEvalQ(cls,{x <- runif(1); y <- runif(1)}) # start debugging session dbqmsgstart(cls) # run clusterEvalQ(cls,g(x,y)) # files dbs.1 and dbs.2 created, each reporting u,v values # dbs() method # make a test file cat(c("f <- function(x) {"," x <- x + 1"," x^2","}"),file="x.R",sep="\n") dbs(2,src="x.R",ftn="f") # now type in manager window: clusterEvalQ(cls,f(5)) # the 2 worker windows are now in the browser, ready for debugging stopCluster(cls) ## End(Not run)
This function is designed to handle files larger than memory. At most
will be present in memory at once. It is not parallel.
For this to work efficiently it's necessary that the data between
fits into memory.
disksort(infile, outfile = NULL, sortcolumn = 1L, breaks = NULL, nrows = 1000L, nbins = 10L, read.table.args = NULL, write.table.args = NULL, cleanup = TRUE) streambin(infile, firstchunk, sortcolumn = 1L, breaks = NULL, nrows = 1000L, read.table.args = NULL)
disksort(infile, outfile = NULL, sortcolumn = 1L, breaks = NULL, nrows = 1000L, nbins = 10L, read.table.args = NULL, write.table.args = NULL, cleanup = TRUE) streambin(infile, firstchunk, sortcolumn = 1L, breaks = NULL, nrows = 1000L, read.table.args = NULL)
infile |
unsorted file like object to read from. See |
outfile |
where to write the sorted file. See
sortcolumn |
which column of the data frame to sort on |
breaks |
vector giving points to split data for binning |
nrows |
number of rows in the data.frame held in memory |
nbins |
number of bins for bin sort. Ignored if |
read.table.args |
named list of extra arguments to read.table |
write.table.args |
named list of extra arguments to write.table. Defaults to using read.table.args to preserve the original formatting. |
cleanup |
remove intermediate files? |
firstchunk |
first rows from |
: Stream File Into Bins
Read a data frame, split it into bins, and write to those bins on disk.
Accessing a Distributed Data Frame or Similar Object As a Virtual Monolithic Object
findrow(cls, i, objname) makeddf(dname,cls)
findrow(cls, i, objname) makeddf(dname,cls)
cls |
A cluster run under the parallel package. |
i |
A row number in a distributed data frame or similar object. |
objname |
Name of such an object. |
dname |
Name of such an object. |
These functions enable the user at the manager node to treat a distributed data frame as a virtual monolithic one, querying the values in specified row and clumn ranges.
Say we have a distributed data frame d
on two worker nodes, with
five rows at the first node and five at the second. Row 6 of the virtual
data frame, then, will consist of the first row in at the second node.
Viewing this virtual data frame requires creating an object of class
, using makeddf
. Note that there is no actual data
at the manager node. This class overrides the reference operator '['
The function findrow
goes in the opposite direction. For a given
row number in the virtual data frame, this function will return the row
number within node, and the node number.
Norm Matloff and Reed Davis
cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) clusterEvalQ(cls,m <- data.frame(rbind(1:2,3:4)+partoolsenv$myid)) makeddf('m',cls) m[2,2] # 5 m[3,2] # 4 m[3,1] # 3 m[,1] # 2 4 3 5 m[4,] # 5 6 m[,] # the entire 2x2 data frame findrow(cls,3,'m') # 1 2; row 3 in the virtual df is row 1 of m in node 2
cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) clusterEvalQ(cls,m <- data.frame(rbind(1:2,3:4)+partoolsenv$myid)) makeddf('m',cls) m[2,2] # 5 m[3,2] # 4 m[3,1] # 3 m[,1] # 2 4 3 5 m[4,] # 5 6 m[,] # the entire 2x2 data frame findrow(cls,3,'m') # 1 2; row 3 in the virtual df is row 1 of m in node 2
Miscellaneous code snippets for use with the parallel package, including “Snowdoop.”
formrowchunks(cls,m,mchunkname,scramble=FALSE) matrixtolist(rc,m) addlists(lst1,lst2,add) setclsinfo(cls) getpte() exportlibpaths(cls) distribsplit(cls,dfname,scramble=FALSE) distribcat(cls,dfname) distribagg(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,FUN,FUNdim=1,FUN1=FUN) distribrange(cls,vec,na.rm=FALSE) distribcounts(cls,xnames,dataname) distribmeans(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,saveni=FALSE) dwhich.min(cls,vecname) dwhich.max(cls,vecname) distribgetrows(cls,cmd) distribisdt(cls,dataname) docmd(toexec) doclscmd(cls,toexec) geteltis(lst,i) ipstrcat(str1 = stop("str1 not supplied"), ..., outersep = "", innersep = "")
formrowchunks(cls,m,mchunkname,scramble=FALSE) matrixtolist(rc,m) addlists(lst1,lst2,add) setclsinfo(cls) getpte() exportlibpaths(cls) distribsplit(cls,dfname,scramble=FALSE) distribcat(cls,dfname) distribagg(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,FUN,FUNdim=1,FUN1=FUN) distribrange(cls,vec,na.rm=FALSE) distribcounts(cls,xnames,dataname) distribmeans(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,saveni=FALSE) dwhich.min(cls,vecname) dwhich.max(cls,vecname) distribgetrows(cls,cmd) distribisdt(cls,dataname) docmd(toexec) doclscmd(cls,toexec) geteltis(lst,i) ipstrcat(str1 = stop("str1 not supplied"), ..., outersep = "", innersep = "")
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
scramble |
If TRUE, randomize the row order in the resulting data frame. |
rc |
Set to 1 for rows, other for columns. |
m |
A matrix or data frame. |
mchunkname |
Quoted name to be given to the created chunks. |
lst1 |
An R list. |
lst2 |
An R list. |
add |
“Addition” function, which could be summation, concatenation and so on. |
dfname |
Quoted name of a data frame, either centralized or distributed. |
ynames |
Vector of quoted names of variables on which |
vecname |
Quoted name of a vector. |
... |
One of more vectors of character strings, where the vectors are typically of length 1. |
xnames |
Vector of quoted names of variables that define the grouping. |
dataname |
Quoted name of a distributed data frame or data.table. |
saveni |
If TRUE, save the chunk sizes. |
Quoted name of a single-argument function to be used in
aggregating within cluster nodes. If |
FUNdim |
Number of elements in the return value of |
FUN1 |
Quoted name of function to be used in aggregation between cluster nodes. |
vec |
Quoted expression that evaluates to a vector. |
na.rm |
Remove NA values. |
cmd |
An R command. |
toexec |
Quoted string containing command to be executed. |
lst |
An R list of vectors. |
i |
A column index |
str1 |
A character string. |
outersep |
Separator, e.g. a comma, between strings specified in ... |
innersep |
Separator, e.g. a comma, within string vectors specified in ... |
The setclsinfo
function does initialization needed for
use of the tools in the package.
splits m
into chunks of rows and puts each
chunk into a global variable called mchunkname
in the global space
of the worker.
A call to matrixtolist
extracts the rows or columns of a matrix
or data frame and forms an R list from them.
The function addlists
does the following: Say we have two lists,
with numeric values. We wish to form a new list, with all the keys
(names) from the two input lists appearing in the new list. In the case
of a key in common to the two lists, the value in the new list will be
the sum of the two individual values for that key. (Here “sum” means
the result of applying add
.) For a key appearing in one list and
not the other, the value in the new list will be the value in the input
The function exportlibpaths
, invoked from the manager, exports
the manager's R search path to the workers.
The function distribsplit
splits a data frame dfname
approximately equal-sized chunks of rows, placing the chunks on the
cluster nodes, as global variables of the same name. The opposite action
is taken by distribcat
, coalsecing variables of the given name in
the cluster nodes into one grand data frame as the calling (i.e.
manager) node.
The package's distribagg
function is a distributed (and somewhat
restricted) form of aggregate
. The latter is called to each
distributed chunk with the function FUN
. The manager collects
the results and calls FUN1
The special cases of aggregating counts and means is handled by the
wrappers distribcounts
and distribmeans
. In each case,
cells are defined by xnames
, and aggregation done first within
workers and then across workers.
The distribrange
function is a distributed form of range
The dwhich.min
and dwhich.max
functions are distributed
analogs of R's which.min
and which.max
The distribgetrows
function is useful in a variety of situations.
It can be used, for instance, as a distributed form of select
In the latter case, the specified rows will be selected at each cluster
node, then rbind
-ed together at the caller.
The docmd
function executes the quoted command, useful for
building up complex command for remote execution. The doclscmd
function does that directly.
An R formula
will be constructed from the arguments ynames
and xnames
, with the latter put on the left side of the ~
sign, with cbind
for combining, and the latter put on the right
side, with +
signs as delimiters.
The geteltis
function extracts from an R list of vectors element
from each.
In the case of addlists
, the return value is the new list.
The distribcat
function returns the concatenated data frame;
works similarly.
The distribagg
function returns a data frame, the same as would a
call to aggregate
, though possibly in different row order;
works similarly.
The dwhich.min
and dwhich.max
functions each return a
two-tuple, consisting of the node number and row number which node at
which the min or max occurs.
Norm Matloff
# examples of addlists() l1 <- list(a=2, b=5, c=1) l2 <- list(a=8, c=12, d=28) addlists(l1,l2,sum) # list with a=10, b=5, c=13, d=28 z1 <- list(x = c(5,12,13), y = c(3,4,5)) z2 <- list(y = c(8,88)) addlists(z1,z2,c) # list with x=(5,12,13), y=(3,4,5,8,88) # need 'parallel' cluster for the remaining examples cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # check it clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$myid) # returns 1, 2 clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$ncls) # returns 2, 2 # formrowchunks example; see up a matrix to be distributed first m <- rbind(1:2,3:4,5:6) # apply the function formrowchunks(cls,m,"mc") # check results clusterEvalQ(cls,mc) # list of a 1x2 and a 2x2 matrix matrixtolist(1,m) # 3-component list, first is (1,2) # test of of distribagg(): # form and distribute test data x <- sample(1:3,10,replace=TRUE) y <- sample(0:1,10,replace=TRUE) u <- runif(10) v <- runif(10) d <- data.frame(x,y,u,v) distribsplit(cls,"d") # check that it's there at the cluster nodes, in distributed form clusterEvalQ(cls,d) d # try the aggregation function distribagg(cls,c("u","v"), c("x","y"),"d","max") # check result aggregate(cbind(u,v) ~ x+y,d,max) # real data mtc <- mtcars distribsplit(cls,"mtc") distribagg(cls,c("mpg","disp","hp"),c("cyl","gear"),"mtc","max") # check aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max) distribcounts(cls,c("cyl","gear"),"mtc") # check table(mtc$cyl,mtc$gear) # find mean mpg, hp for each cyl/gear combination distribmeans(cls,c('mpg','hp'),c('cyl','gear'),'mtc') # extract and collect all the mtc rows in which the number of cylinders is 8 distribgetrows(cls,'mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,]') # check mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,] # same for data.tables mtc <- as.data.table(mtc) setkey(mtc,cyl) distribsplit(cls,'mtc') distribcounts(cls,c("cyl","gear"),"mtc") distribmeans(cls,c('mpg','hp'),c('cyl','gear'),'mtc') dwhich.min(cls,'mtc$mpg') # smallest is at node 1, row 15 dwhich.max(cls,'mtc$mpg') # largest is at node 2, row 4 stopCluster(cls)
# examples of addlists() l1 <- list(a=2, b=5, c=1) l2 <- list(a=8, c=12, d=28) addlists(l1,l2,sum) # list with a=10, b=5, c=13, d=28 z1 <- list(x = c(5,12,13), y = c(3,4,5)) z2 <- list(y = c(8,88)) addlists(z1,z2,c) # list with x=(5,12,13), y=(3,4,5,8,88) # need 'parallel' cluster for the remaining examples cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # check it clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$myid) # returns 1, 2 clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$ncls) # returns 2, 2 # formrowchunks example; see up a matrix to be distributed first m <- rbind(1:2,3:4,5:6) # apply the function formrowchunks(cls,m,"mc") # check results clusterEvalQ(cls,mc) # list of a 1x2 and a 2x2 matrix matrixtolist(1,m) # 3-component list, first is (1,2) # test of of distribagg(): # form and distribute test data x <- sample(1:3,10,replace=TRUE) y <- sample(0:1,10,replace=TRUE) u <- runif(10) v <- runif(10) d <- data.frame(x,y,u,v) distribsplit(cls,"d") # check that it's there at the cluster nodes, in distributed form clusterEvalQ(cls,d) d # try the aggregation function distribagg(cls,c("u","v"), c("x","y"),"d","max") # check result aggregate(cbind(u,v) ~ x+y,d,max) # real data mtc <- mtcars distribsplit(cls,"mtc") distribagg(cls,c("mpg","disp","hp"),c("cyl","gear"),"mtc","max") # check aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max) distribcounts(cls,c("cyl","gear"),"mtc") # check table(mtc$cyl,mtc$gear) # find mean mpg, hp for each cyl/gear combination distribmeans(cls,c('mpg','hp'),c('cyl','gear'),'mtc') # extract and collect all the mtc rows in which the number of cylinders is 8 distribgetrows(cls,'mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,]') # check mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,] # same for data.tables mtc <- as.data.table(mtc) setkey(mtc,cyl) distribsplit(cls,'mtc') distribcounts(cls,c("cyl","gear"),"mtc") distribmeans(cls,c('mpg','hp'),c('cyl','gear'),'mtc') dwhich.min(cls,'mtc$mpg') # smallest is at node 1, row 15 dwhich.max(cls,'mtc$mpg') # largest is at node 2, row 4 stopCluster(cls)
Sort a distributed vector.
hqs(cls,xname) hqsTest(vlength,clength)
hqs(cls,xname) hqsTest(vlength,clength)
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
xname |
Name of a distributed vector. |
vlength |
Length of the test vector. |
clength |
Size of the test cluster. |
In hqs
, the distributed vector is sorted using the Hyperquicksort
algorithm. In keeping with partools' Leave It There philosophy,
both input and output are distributed; the sorted vector is
NOT returned to the caller. The name of the sorted distributed vector
will be chunk
. If the caller needs the sorted vector, this
can be obtained via distribcat
Robin Yancey, Norm Matloff
cls <- makeCluster(4) setclsinfo(cls) z <- sample(1:50,25) z # view unsorted vector distribsplit(cls,'z') # distribute it hqs(cls,'z') # view the distributed sorted vector clusterEvalQ(cls,chunk) # optionally collect the results at the caller distribcat(cls,'chunk')
cls <- makeCluster(4) setclsinfo(cls) z <- sample(1:50,25) z # view unsorted vector distribsplit(cls,'z') # distribute it hqs(cls,'z') # view the distributed sorted vector clusterEvalQ(cls,chunk) # optionally collect the results at the caller distribcat(cls,'chunk')
This data set is adapted from the Adult data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, which was in turn adapted from Census data on adult incomes and other demographic variables. The UCI data is used here with permission from Ronny Kohavi.
The variables are:
, which converts the original >50K
to an indicator variable; 1 for income greater than $50,000, else 0
, which converts a set of education levels to
approximate number of years of schooling
, 1 for male, 0 for female
, 1 for married, 0 for single
data(newadult); newadult
data(newadult); newadult
General parallel applications.
cls |
A cluster run under the parallel package. |
x |
A data matrix |
y |
A data matrix |
Parallel wrapper for pdist
from package of the same
name. Finds all the distances from rows in x
to rows in
Object of type "pdist"
Norm Matloff
# set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) x <- matrix(runif(20),nrow=5) y <- matrix(runif(32),nrow=8) # 2 calls should have identical resultsW pdist(x,y,cls)@dist parpdist(x,y,cls)@dist stopCluster(cls)
# set up 'parallel' cluster cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) x <- matrix(runif(20),nrow=5) y <- matrix(runif(32),nrow=8) # 2 calls should have identical resultsW pdist(x,y,cls)@dist parpdist(x,y,cls)@dist stopCluster(cls)
This data set is adapted from the 2000 Census (5% sample, person records). It is restricted to programmers and engineers in the Silicon Valley area.
The variable codes, e.g. occupational codes, are available from the Census Bureau, at http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/pums.pdf. (Short code lists are given in the record layout, but longer ones are in the appendix Code Lists.)
The variables are:
, with a U(0,1) variate added for jitter
, citizenship; 1-4 code various categories of
citizens; 5 means noncitizen (including permanent residents
: 01-09 code no college; 10-12 means some college;
13 is a bachelor's degree, 14 a master's, 15 a professiona deal and
16 is a doctorate
, occupation
, place of birth
, wage income
, number of weeks worked
, year of entry to the U.S. (0 for natives)
, location of work
, 1 for male, 2 for female
data(prgeng); prgeng
data(prgeng); prgeng
Simple MPI-like functions.
ptMEinit(cls) ptMEinitSrvrs() ptMEinitCons(srvr) ptMEsend(obj,dest) ptMErecv(dest)
ptMEinit(cls) ptMEinitSrvrs() ptMEinitCons(srvr) ptMEsend(obj,dest) ptMErecv(dest)
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
srvr |
A server, one of the worker nodes. |
src |
A worker node from which to receive a message. |
dest |
A worker node to which a message is to be sent. |
obj |
An R object. |
This system of functions implements a message-passing system, similar to MPI/Rmpi but much simpler and without the need for configuration.
: General system initialization.
: Called by ptMEinit
. Sets up
socket connections for each pair of worker nodes. Each worker node
hosts a server for use by all nodes having partoolsenv$myid
less than the server. Returns the server port.
: Also called by ptMEinit
. Each worker
node, acting as a client, makes a connection with all servers having
greater than the client.
: Send the given object to the given
: Receive an object from the given
source. Returns the received object.
: Close all worker-worker connections.
The function ptMErecv()
returns the received value. The
intermediate function ptMEinitSrvrs
returns a randomly chosen
server port number.
Robin Yancey, Norm Matloff
“Snowdoop”: Utilities for distributed file storage, access and related operations.
filechunkname(basenm,ndigs,nodenum=NULL) filesort(cls,infilenm,colnum,outdfnm,infiledst=FALSE, ndigs=0,nsamp=1000,header=FALSE,sep="",usefread=FALSE, ...) filesplit(nch,basenm,header=FALSE,seqnums=FALSE) filesplitrand(cls,fname,newbasename,ndigs,header=FALSE,sep) fileshuffle(inbasename, nout, outbasename, header = FALSE) linecount(infile,header=FALSE,chunksize=100000) filecat(cls, basenm, header = FALSE) readnscramble(cls,basenm,header=FALSE,sep= " ") filesave(cls,dname,newbasename,ndigs,sep, ...) fileread(cls,fname,dname,ndigs,header=FALSE,sep=" ",usefread=FALSE, ...) getnumdigs(nch) fileagg(fnames,ynames,xnames,header=FALSE,sep= " ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) dfileagg(cls,fnames,ynames,xnames,header=FALSE,sep=" ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) filegetrows(fnames,tmpdataexpr,header=FALSE,sep=" ") dfilegetrows(cls,fnames,tmpdataexpr,header=FALSE,sep=" ") dTopKVals(cls,vecname,k)
filechunkname(basenm,ndigs,nodenum=NULL) filesort(cls,infilenm,colnum,outdfnm,infiledst=FALSE, ndigs=0,nsamp=1000,header=FALSE,sep="",usefread=FALSE, ...) filesplit(nch,basenm,header=FALSE,seqnums=FALSE) filesplitrand(cls,fname,newbasename,ndigs,header=FALSE,sep) fileshuffle(inbasename, nout, outbasename, header = FALSE) linecount(infile,header=FALSE,chunksize=100000) filecat(cls, basenm, header = FALSE) readnscramble(cls,basenm,header=FALSE,sep= " ") filesave(cls,dname,newbasename,ndigs,sep, ...) fileread(cls,fname,dname,ndigs,header=FALSE,sep=" ",usefread=FALSE, ...) getnumdigs(nch) fileagg(fnames,ynames,xnames,header=FALSE,sep= " ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) dfileagg(cls,fnames,ynames,xnames,header=FALSE,sep=" ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) filegetrows(fnames,tmpdataexpr,header=FALSE,sep=" ") dfilegetrows(cls,fnames,tmpdataexpr,header=FALSE,sep=" ") dTopKVals(cls,vecname,k)
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
nch |
Number of chunks for the file split. |
basenm |
A chunked file name, minus suffix. |
infile |
Name of a nonchunked file. |
ndigs |
Number of digits in the chunked file name suffix. |
nodenum |
If non-NULL, get the name of the file chunk of cluster node
infilenm |
Name of input file (without suffix, if distributed). |
outdfnm |
Quoted name of a distributed data frame. |
infiledst |
If TRUE, infilenm is distributed. |
colnum |
Column number on which the sort will be done. It is assumed that this data column is free of NAs. |
usefread |
If true, use |
nsamp |
Number of records to sample in each file chunk to determine bins for the bucket sort. |
header |
TRUE if the file chunks have headers. |
seqnums |
TRUE if the file chunks will have sequence numbers. |
sep |
Field delimiter used in |
chunksize |
Number of lines to read at a time, for efficient I/O. |
dname |
Quoted name of a distributed data frame or matrix. For
fname |
Quoted name of a distributed file. |
fnames |
Character vector of file names. |
newbasename |
Quoted name of the prefix of a distributed file,
e.g. |
ynames |
Vector of quoted names of variables on which |
xnames |
Vector of quoted names of variables to be used for cell definition. |
tmpdataexpr |
Expression involving a data frame
First-level aggregation function. |
FUN1 |
Second-level aggregation function. |
inbasename |
basename of the input files, e.g. x for x.1, x.2, ... |
outbasename |
basename of the output files |
nout |
number of output files |
... |
Additional arguments to |
vecname |
Quoted name of a distributed vector. |
k |
Number of top/bottom values to fetch. |
Use filesplit
to convert a single file into distributed one, with
chunks. The file header, if present, will be retained in the
chunks. If seqnums
is TRUE, each line in a chunk will be preceded
by the line number it had in the original file.
The reverse operation to filesplit
is performed by
, which converts a distributed file into a single one.
The fileagg
function does an out-of-memory, multifile version of
, reading the specified files one at a time, and
returning a grand aggregation. The function dfileagg
the specified group of files to a partools
cluster, has each
call fileagg
, and again aggregates the results.
The function filegetrows
reads in the files in fnames
, one
at a time, naming the resulting in-memory data tmpdata
each time.
(It is assumed that the data fit in memory.) The function applies the
user command tmpdataexpr
to tmpdata
, producing a subset of
. All of these subsets are combined using rbind
yielding the return value. The paired function dfilegetrows
is a
distributed wrapper for filegetrows
, just as dfileagg
for fileagg
Use filesort
to do a file sort, with the input file being either
distributed or ordinary, placing the result as a distributed data
frame/matrix in the memories of the cluster nodes. The first
records are read from the file, and are used to form one
quantile range for each cluster node. Each node then reads the input
file, retaining the records in its assigned range, and sorts them. This
results in the input file being sorted, in memory, in a distributed
manner across nodes, under the specifid name. At present, this
utility is not very efficient.
Operations such as ca
need i.i.d. data. If the original file
storage was ordered on some variable, one needs to randomize the data
first. There are several options:
: This produces a distributed data
frame/matrix under the name basenm
. Note that a record in chunk
of the distributed file will likely end up in chunk j
in the distributed data frame/matrix, with j
different from
: Use this you wish to directly produce a
randomized distributed file from a monolithic one. It will read
the file into memory, chunk it at the cluster nodes, each of which
will save its chunk to disk.
: If you need to avoid reading big files
into memory, use this. You must run filesplit
first, and
then run fileshuffle
several times for a good shuffle.
Note that this function is also useful if your cluster size changes. A distributed file of m chunks can now be converted to one with n chunks, either more or fewer than before.
If you wish to use this same randomized data in a future session, you
can save it as a distributed file by calling filesave
. Of course,
this function is also useful if one wishes to save a distributed data
frame or matrix that was created computationally rather than from read
from a distributed file. To go the other direction, i.e. read a
distributed file, use fileread
Some of the functions here are useful mainly as intermediate operations for the others:
The function filechunkname
returns the name of the file
chunk for the calling cluster node.
The linecount
function returns the number of lines in a
text file.
A call to getnumdigs
returns the number of digits in a
distributed file name suffix.
The function dTopKVals
returns the k
most extreme values
in the distributed vector specified by vecname
. If k
positive, this will be the top k
values; for negative k
it will be the bottom abs(k)
Norm Matloff
cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # example of filesplit() # make test input file m <- rbind(1:2,3:4,5:6) write.table(m,"m",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE) # apply the function filesplit(2,"m",seqnums=TRUE) # file m.1 and m.2 created, with contents c(1,1,2) and # rbind(c(2,3,4),c(3,5,6)), respectively # check it read.table("m.1",header=FALSE,row.names=1) read.table("m.2",header=FALSE,row.names=1) m # example of filecat(); assumes filesplit() example above already done # delete file m so we can make sure we are re-creating it unlink("m") filecat(cls,"m") # check that file m is back read.table("m",row.names=1) # example of filesave(), fileread() # make test distributed data frame clusterEvalQ(cls,x <- data.frame(u = runif(5),v = runif(5))) # apply filesave() filesave(cls,'x','xfile',1,' ') # check it fileread(cls,'xfile','xx',1,header=TRUE,sep=' ') clusterEvalQ(cls,xx) clusterEvalQ(cls,x) # example of filesort() # make test distributed input file m1 <- matrix(c(5,12,13,3,4,5,8,8,8,1,2,3,6,5,4),byrow=TRUE,ncol=3) m2 <- matrix(c(0,22,88,44,5,5,2,6,10,7,7,7),byrow=TRUE,ncol=3) write.table(m1,"m.1",row.names=FALSE) write.table(m2,"m.2",row.names=FALSE) # sort on column 2 and check result filesort(cls,"m",2,"msort",infiledst=TRUE,ndigs=1,nsamp=3,header=TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cls,msort) # data should be sorted on V2 # check by comparing to input m1 m2 m <- rbind(m1,m2) write.table(m,"m",row.names=FALSE) clusterEvalQ(cls,rm(msort)) filesort(cls,"m",2,"msort",infiledst=FALSE,nsamp=3,header=TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cls,msort) # data should be sorted on V2 # example of readnscramble() co2 <- head(CO2,25) write.table(co2,"co2",row.names=FALSE) # creates file 'co2' filesplit(2,"co2",header=TRUE) # creates files 'co2.1', 'co2.2' readnscramble(cls,"co2",header=TRUE) # now have distrib. d.f. # save the scrambled version to disk filesave(cls,'co2','co2s',1,sep=',') # example of fileshuffle() # make test file, 'test' cat('a','bc','def','i','j','k',file='test',sep='\n') filesplit(2,'test') # creates files 'test.1','test.2' fileshuffle('test',2,'testa') # creates shuffled files 'testa.1','testa.2' # example of filechunkname() clusterEvalQ(cls,filechunkname("x",3)) # returns "x.001", "x.002" # example of getnumdigs() getnumdigs(156) # should be 3 # examples of filesave() and fileread() mtc <- mtcars distribsplit(cls,"mtc") # save distributed data frame to distributed file filesave(cls,'mtc','ctm',1,',') # read it back in to a new distributed data frame fileread(cls,'ctm','ctmnew',1,header=TRUE,sep=',') # check it clusterEvalQ(cls,ctmnew) # try dfileagg() on it (not same as distribagg()) dfileagg(cls,c('ctm.1','ctm.2'),c("mpg","disp","hp"),c("cyl","gear"),header=TRUE,sep=",","max") # check aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max) # extract the records with 4 cylinders and 4 gears (again, different # from distribgetrows()) cmd <- 'tmpdata[tmpdata$cyl == 4 & tmpdata$gear == 4,]' dfilegetrows(cls,c('ctm.1','ctm.2'),cmd,header=TRUE,sep=',') # check mtc[mtc$cyl == 4 & mtc$gear == 4,] x <- sample(1:3,10,replace=TRUE) y <- sample(0:1,10,replace=TRUE) u <- runif(10) v <- runif(10) d <- data.frame(x,y,u,v) distribsplit(cls,"d") dTopKVals(cls,'d$u',2) # 0.985, 0.858 dTopKVals(cls,'d$u',-2) # 0.066, 0.326 stopCluster(cls)
cls <- makeCluster(2) setclsinfo(cls) # example of filesplit() # make test input file m <- rbind(1:2,3:4,5:6) write.table(m,"m",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE) # apply the function filesplit(2,"m",seqnums=TRUE) # file m.1 and m.2 created, with contents c(1,1,2) and # rbind(c(2,3,4),c(3,5,6)), respectively # check it read.table("m.1",header=FALSE,row.names=1) read.table("m.2",header=FALSE,row.names=1) m # example of filecat(); assumes filesplit() example above already done # delete file m so we can make sure we are re-creating it unlink("m") filecat(cls,"m") # check that file m is back read.table("m",row.names=1) # example of filesave(), fileread() # make test distributed data frame clusterEvalQ(cls,x <- data.frame(u = runif(5),v = runif(5))) # apply filesave() filesave(cls,'x','xfile',1,' ') # check it fileread(cls,'xfile','xx',1,header=TRUE,sep=' ') clusterEvalQ(cls,xx) clusterEvalQ(cls,x) # example of filesort() # make test distributed input file m1 <- matrix(c(5,12,13,3,4,5,8,8,8,1,2,3,6,5,4),byrow=TRUE,ncol=3) m2 <- matrix(c(0,22,88,44,5,5,2,6,10,7,7,7),byrow=TRUE,ncol=3) write.table(m1,"m.1",row.names=FALSE) write.table(m2,"m.2",row.names=FALSE) # sort on column 2 and check result filesort(cls,"m",2,"msort",infiledst=TRUE,ndigs=1,nsamp=3,header=TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cls,msort) # data should be sorted on V2 # check by comparing to input m1 m2 m <- rbind(m1,m2) write.table(m,"m",row.names=FALSE) clusterEvalQ(cls,rm(msort)) filesort(cls,"m",2,"msort",infiledst=FALSE,nsamp=3,header=TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cls,msort) # data should be sorted on V2 # example of readnscramble() co2 <- head(CO2,25) write.table(co2,"co2",row.names=FALSE) # creates file 'co2' filesplit(2,"co2",header=TRUE) # creates files 'co2.1', 'co2.2' readnscramble(cls,"co2",header=TRUE) # now have distrib. d.f. # save the scrambled version to disk filesave(cls,'co2','co2s',1,sep=',') # example of fileshuffle() # make test file, 'test' cat('a','bc','def','i','j','k',file='test',sep='\n') filesplit(2,'test') # creates files 'test.1','test.2' fileshuffle('test',2,'testa') # creates shuffled files 'testa.1','testa.2' # example of filechunkname() clusterEvalQ(cls,filechunkname("x",3)) # returns "x.001", "x.002" # example of getnumdigs() getnumdigs(156) # should be 3 # examples of filesave() and fileread() mtc <- mtcars distribsplit(cls,"mtc") # save distributed data frame to distributed file filesave(cls,'mtc','ctm',1,',') # read it back in to a new distributed data frame fileread(cls,'ctm','ctmnew',1,header=TRUE,sep=',') # check it clusterEvalQ(cls,ctmnew) # try dfileagg() on it (not same as distribagg()) dfileagg(cls,c('ctm.1','ctm.2'),c("mpg","disp","hp"),c("cyl","gear"),header=TRUE,sep=",","max") # check aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max) # extract the records with 4 cylinders and 4 gears (again, different # from distribgetrows()) cmd <- 'tmpdata[tmpdata$cyl == 4 & tmpdata$gear == 4,]' dfilegetrows(cls,c('ctm.1','ctm.2'),cmd,header=TRUE,sep=',') # check mtc[mtc$cyl == 4 & mtc$gear == 4,] x <- sample(1:3,10,replace=TRUE) y <- sample(0:1,10,replace=TRUE) u <- runif(10) v <- runif(10) d <- data.frame(x,y,u,v) distribsplit(cls,"d") dTopKVals(cls,'d$u',2) # 0.985, 0.858 dTopKVals(cls,'d$u',-2) # 0.066, 0.326 stopCluster(cls)
Last step of disksort
sortbin(fname, sortcolumn, outfile, nchunks)
sortbin(fname, sortcolumn, outfile, nchunks)
fname |
name of an intermediate file |
sortcolumn |
See |
outfile |
See |
nchunks |
total number of chunks expected |
Intermediate step in disksort.
writechunk(chunk, bin_names, bin_files, breaks, sortcolumn)
writechunk(chunk, bin_names, bin_files, breaks, sortcolumn)
chunk |
bin_names |
names for each bin. Useful for debugging |
bin_files |
list of files opened in binary append mode |
breaks |
defines the bins |
sortcolumn |
column determining the bin |